Monday, February 27, 2017

Week Three; Powering up My Fingers

Mr. Moroe's "Power Exercises for Flute" is proving to be just as much of a challenge as he suggests several times throughout the book! Week three has been the hardest week yet (mostly due to the articulation choice of tongue two slur two or tongue one slur two in the case of triples). I found day four to be he absolute hardest this week with that day being the day with the most immovable tempos. Strangely enough, though, day seven was no bad at all and I am ready to move almost all of the tempos from that day forward as can be see from my notebook below. As usual for this challenge, below you can see my progress each day if you are so inclined.

I'm getting ready to start the final week of this challenge and felt like this was the time to let you all know that although I had originally planned to do one more this spring for the month of March, due to upcoming auditions I will instead be moving back between the Moyse technique book and T&G. I would recommend that if you want another challenge for the coming month, purchase the Moyse book:

See below for this week's challenge set:

Week 4: February 17th - March 5th
This week is all tongued and increasing metronome markings as possible. The goal is to have the most accuracy possible at the quickest tempo possible.

As always; Happy Practicing!!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Powering Up my Fingers Week 2

Week two of the Power Exercises challenge was the hardest yet for me in terms of logistics. I performed two concerts a day this week and a few of those days I was driving upwards of four/five hours a day which also led me to sadly need to skip one day of the challenge. This week coming up I should be back on track totally (although I'll be driving back from Wisconsin Saturday so may have to skip that day as well...).

I found that a few of the exercises this week were really hard when I started to add in the articulation. I had an EXCEPTIONALLY tough time with day 3 which you'll be able to see in my notebook below. Anything not crossed out in terms of tempos mean that they went well and I can move up if my plan says to, but that I could also keep it at this tempo. Anything crossed out means it was easy and went well enough that I will be upping the tempo this coming week. Anything circled was ABYSMAL and needs to be done again at the same tempo with the hopes that it works itself out through the challenge.

I'm really loving this book still! I can feel how it's making a difference in my fingers. The one thing I want to add this week is more tone exercises afterwards though. The problem with focusing on technique is that often the tone suffers and I have been feeling that hardcore. My control is not as great so I need to focus on making sure I have that where it needs to be as well.

Week three is as follows (all tempos are generally the same and can be moved up if needed):

Week 3: February 20th - 26th
Chromatics - Tongue Two Slur Two (6’s Tongue 2 slur 4) (triplet tongue 1 slur 2)
    Metronome Markings - “    “
Major Scales - “    “
Minor Scales - “    “
Major Chords - “    “
Minor Chords - “    “
Diminished 7th Chords - “    “
Miscellaneous - “    “

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Power Exercises - Week 1

As we're getting closer and closer to spring and beginning a sprint to the end of the orchestral season my schedule seems to thicken to a point where if it cools it could turn to my posts may be late, BUT I will try my best to keep them consistent!

If you've been following along religiously than you are also a day or two into week 2 of the Monroe Power Exercises and what a first week it was! This book is AMAZING. I'm almost sad that I haven't revisited it since I studied it with him in High School! My fingers feel amazing and I can finally get up to high D with some ease! Since there are so many exercises here is the full table of contents for those not actively practicing:

I couldn't believe how awkward some of the scale patterns were (especial day two since I've done it a second time today) but when I came back to the book for the next day I could feel how the awkward patterns built day by day helping each exercise make sense and build throughout the book. Also, since I'm already two days in to week 2, I'm happy to find that I have been able to up the metronome markings from what I predicted (which I had hoped for but with my insecure fingers I never know). As of right now I was planning to create a new challenge for March, but the longer I work on this book the more I'm tempted to do it again next month! I'll keep you posted...what I may do is go to a new challenge and then come back to this for the summer to really work my fingers out mixing it up with the Moyse book.

Since there was a new set of exercises each day, I decided to take photos of my practice notebook rather than write each day out. If anyone would like for me to do that though I'd be happy to come back and transcribe! It'll just be a bit longer.

Here is week 2 (which we're already in) for anyone who wants to jump in now:
Week 2: February 13th - 19th
Articulation of the week: slur two tongue two for douples, slur two tongue one for triples.
I. Chromatics - M - 112, T - 92, W - 92, T - 132, F - 132, S - 60, S - 112
II. Major Scales - M - 120, T - 120, W - 132, T - 132, F - 132, S - 60, S - 112
III. Minor Scales "                                                                                              "
IV. Major Chords - M - 104, T - 104, W - 112, T - 112, F - 100, S - 100, S - 7
V. Minor Chords - "                                                                                             "
VI. Diminished 7th Chords - M - 100, T - 100, W - 100, T - 80, F - 80, S - 104, S - 80
VII. Miscellaneous - Do all comfy and increase as you can

Friday, February 3, 2017

Power Exercises for Flute (New Technique Challenge)

I hope that everyone has enjoyed this "unstructured technical week" as much as I have! I took my favorite exercises from the T&G and had fun with them:
EJ4 - 144 (108 for 8va) Articulations - M1, T2, W5, T6, Fall tongued
EJ6 A - 80 B - 72, Keys/Articulations - Mb1, T#2, Wb5, T#6, Fb7
EJ10 - 72 (80 for 8va) Articulations - M1, T2, W3, T4, F5
EJ5 - 92 Articulations - M1, T2, W3, T4, F5

Now I'm taking a couple days off due to traveling, etc and I'm looking forward to starting the brand new challenge on Monday featuring Ervin Monro's "Power Exercises for Flute; Daily Routines for Acquiring and Maintaining Professional Technique"! 

I love this book because it's set up like Reichardt with 1 exercise a day but mirrors some T&G or Moyse in that there is 1 a day for EACH kind of exercise; Chromatic Scales, Major Scales, Minor Scales, Major Chords, Minor Chords, Diminished Chords, and Miscellaneous. This means you're doing 7 exercises a day and for this challenge that is SEVEN DAYS A WEEK! February may be the darkest month, but with this plan you'll have so much to do you won't even miss the sun. For a look at how I'm planning to structure the next four weeks see the plan below. It shows my metronome markings and planned articulations *all subject to change*. I will once again be updating weekly and hope you will do the same!

Happy Challenge!!

**For a pdf version of this email me at:**

**Also don't forget that I am participating in the Etude of the week group so the amount I do is subject to change to allow time for that**

Technique Challenge: February 2017
Power Exercises for Flute by Ervin Monroe
    Daily Routines for Acquiring and Maintaining Professional Technique

Week 1: February 6th - 12th
Chromatics - All slurred
    Metronome Markings - M - 104, T - 92, W - 92, T - 120, F - 120, S - 60, S - 104
Major Scales - All slurred
    Metronome Markings - M - 112, T - 112, W - 120, T - 120, F - 120, S - 60, S - 120
Minor Scales - All slurred
    Metronome Markings - M - 112, T, 112, W - 120, T - 120, F - 120, S - 60, S - 120
Major Chords - All slurred
    Metronome Markings - M - 100, T - 100, W - 100, T - 100, F - 92, S - 92, S - 66
Minor Chords - All slurred
    Metronome Markings - M - 100, T - 100, W - 100, T - 100, F - 92, S - 92, S - 66
Diminished 7th Chords - All slurred
    Metronome Markings - M - 92, T - 92, W - 92, T - 72, F - 72, S - 100, S - 72
Miscellaneous - All slurred
    Metronome Markings - Do all comfy to start  

**No day of rest this month**

Week 2: February 13th - 19th
Chromatics - Slur two Tongue two (for 6’s slur 4 tongue 2) (for triplets slur two tongue 1)
    Metronome Markings - M - 112, T -  92, W - 92, T - 132, F - 132, S - 60, S - 112
Major Scales - “    “
    Metronome Markings - M - 120, T, 120, W - 132, T - 132, F - 132, S - 60, S - 112
Minor Scales - “    “
    Metronome Markings - M - 120, T - 120, W -132, T - 132, F -132, S - 60, S - 112
Major Chords - “    “
    Metronome Markings - M - 104, T - 104, W - 112, T - 112, F -100, S - 100, S - 72
Minor Chords - “    “
    Metronome Markings - M - 104, T - 104, W - 112, T - 112, F - 100, S - 100, S - 72
Diminished 7th Chords - “    “
    Metronome Markings - M - 100, T - 100, W - 100, T - 80, F - 80, S - 104, S - 80
Miscellaneous - “    “
    Metronome Markings - Do all comfy and increase as you can

Week 3: February 20th - 26th
Chromatics - Tongue Two Slur Two (6’s Tongue 2 slur 4) (triplet tongue 1 slur 2)
    Metronome Markings - “    “
Major Scales - “    “
Minor Scales - “    “
Major Chords - “    “
Minor Chords - “    “
Diminished 7th Chords - “    “
Miscellaneous - “    “

Week 4: February 17th - March 5th
This week is all tongued and increasing metronome markings as possible. The goal is to have the most accuracy possible at the quickest tempo possible.

Congrats you’re done!!!!