Hello Everyone!
Sorry for yet another semi-late post! With the holiday on this past Monday I ended up not starting my week three until Tuesday so I was playing a bit of catch up. I am proud of myself for still completing the week in spite of traveling all day yesterday! I was very surprised to yet again find that the week was not as hard as I had originally thought it would be but there was still enough material that I did not need to add anything this time other than the variations I made seen here;
EJ4 - going back and doing BM/bm 8vb, CM/cm/DbM/c#m, DM/dm, all 8va at a much slower tempo.
EJ 7 - I also went back and did this one 8va and when possible 8vb.
EJ10 - This one was slightly tricky so for ease of my brain I ended up doing the whole exercise in one articulation each day.
Announcing February's Technique Challenge Book:
Power Exercises for Flute by Ervin Monroe - can be purchased HERE
For a more detailed week (including my daily tempos) keep reading. If you would like to skip to this week's set (the final set of this challenge!), scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Week 3:
Day 1:
EJ4 - I had allowed myself a day off before this and did indulge in a few adult beverage's...so it was a wake up call to my fingers and sound when I got to this exercise! This is when I decided to also do B/b down the octave and D/d, Db/c#, and C/c up the octave in keeping with the other weeks of the challenge.
Tempo was half note at 120
EJ7 I did once at 60 using all breath attacks and then decided to also do this up and down the octave to engage with my air across the entire instrument. I was super careful not to use finger slaps to start the notes in the lower octave, forcing myself to use only my air. After all this I bumped the tempo up to 112 and did articulation 9 and found it to be almost impossible so I bumped it down to 100 for the higher and lower octaves. This is where it stayed.
Tempos - 60 at the quarter for breath attack, 100 at the quarter for artic 9
EJ10 - I started with articulation 1 and decided that with the tempo I had selected to start I would do the entire exercise at this articulation. Then I went back and did C, C#, and D up the octave at eighth note equals 100 and this ended up being just hard enough.
Tempo - 60 and 100 for 1/2 tempo 8va
Day 2:
EJ4 - this day with articulation 4 as I had started with articulation 3 the day before. This went pretty smooth. For the 8va I had major trouble with dm, c#m, and DM. They were neither smooth nor easy.
Tempos - 120 and 100
EJ7 - Doing the breath attack went well but when I went back with articulation 7 a the faster tempo I found it near impossible (especially 8va) so bumped the tempo down to 80.
Tempos - 60 and 80
EJ10 - Did articulation 2 and found that I was ready to take the tempo up. I did the 8va twice each and bumped the tempo down to 72.
Tempos - 60 and 72
Day 3:
EJ4 - Articulation 5 went well at the faster tempo! The 8va scales all also went well EXCEPT D Major (a theme I fond common the whole week) and I decided I didn't want to bump them up yet in tempo.
Tempo - 126 and 100 (1/2)
EJ7 - The key this day was D Major. The breath attacks where written and up the octave went well but the low octave was more difficult navigating the fingers around low B and C#. I then did articulation 9 and found in this key that it wasn't too bad at all.
Tempos - 60 and 80
EJ10 - Today was articulation 3. It went fine and was just hard enough at that tempo. I bumped the 8va down to 60 shooting for a nice clear tone throughout the high octaves.
Tempos - 66, 60
Day 4:
EJ4 - Articulation 6 went well and I ended up deciding to keep the tempo for the rest of the week given how hard the next couple articulations were. Again all the 8va went well except for D.
Tempos - 126 and 100
EJ7 - this was surprisingly easy in Eflat Major. Even when I did it faster with articulation 9 I was surprised how much easier it came out than the sharp scales.
Tempos - 60 and 80
EJ10 - Articulation 4 was ok. High D was angry when I got to it so I bumped the tempo down for that set.
Tempos - 66, 72, and 60
Day 5:
EJ4 - Articulation 7 was HARD! I had to rest in between each key so my tongue didn't get caught up on itself. Again all the scales were good except high D and this time c# minor.
Tempos - 126 and 100
EJ7 - EMajor was the key for this. Breath attacks were harder in this key which I liked as I found this part of the exercise most important to engaging with my air each day. Articulation 10 went well but was a bit hard up the octave.
Tempos - 60 and 80
EJ10 - Articulation 5 was ok and again I decided to keep this at 66. The 8va's all went well so I decided to take up a bit the last day.
Tempos - 66 and 72
Day 6:
EJ4 - Articulation 8 was HARD! It also happened to go with the etude I was working on this week (Altes number 3). D Major was the only trouble scale 8va.
Tempos - 126 and 100
EJ7 - in F Major went well.
Tempos - 60 and 80
EJ10 Articulation 6 ended up being a bit difficult. I moved he 8va's only up to 80.
Tempos - 66 and 80
FINAL WEEK (January 23rd through the 29th)
EJ4 - Starting half note equals 132 with a goal of 144 by Friday
*articulations set up like last week
EJ12 - Quarter note = Comfy and getting it to 100 by the end
*mixed articulations as wanted
EJ14 - Start eighth note = comfy
*do two letters a day
*Consider all slurred or tongued and go for smoothness and speed
*****I added EJ5 today same as week one only done all at 92*****
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