Sunday, December 1, 2013

Classical Revolution Detroit

Another month has begun! This month is particularly exciting for me because on the 22nd I have my first official concert as Piccoloist of the Lansing Symphony Orchestra!! My contract has been signed and I am gearing up to get practicing. It has been over a month since I've tooted the picc so...I had better get to work (since they did hire me to play it). I'm really hoping that with the beginning of my work in Lansing will also come a more steady assortment of gigs (especially given the last months dry spell). Cross your fingers for me!

The past week has been a bit crazy with the holiday and all. My parents were in charge of Thanksgiving this year and since I am currently residing at their address I was needed to help get things ready. As our kitchen has been under construction for the past month this turned out to be a bigger job than I expected! We needed to make sure the kitchen was ready to be used given all the food it needed to produce, that the house was relatively more childproof than normal (with children ranging from 10 months to 10 years old coming by) and that it met my mothers higher than normal standards of cleanliness. I am proud to say that much to the entire family's delight we got the place into tip top shape and dinner went off without a hitch. There weren't even any arguments this year (which is quite a feat for a large Polish family)! The best part of all this? We have so much left over food that no one will have to worry about making a large meal for a few weeks...and then of course it's Christmas so we're pretty much set for the next month. But enough of the boring stuff and onto the real meat of this blog.

On this past Tuesday I taught all my lessons, drove home, got into my pj's, put on family guy and went to check my facebook messages. I had a blue notification from my very first flute teacher, Carol, and if there is one thing I am grateful for since I've moved home it is her. She is the one who recommended me for the Livonia Symphony gig and once again came to my rescue this past week. The message said simply "Flute mob tonight for Classical Revolution spontaneous!" Had she not sent me that message I never would have flung myself out of bed, into respectable clothes and drove down to the Cadieux Cafe to have a delightful evening of sight reading and beer. We performed as a flute mob (there were 9 of us...made for a very interested interpretation of some Nutcracker and Bizet), I got to play a solo (Enesco with Carol's husband Doug) and I also met a ton of great and fun musicians who live in the area. I can't wait until the next one! These kind of things are so important for helping to build the value of classical music within the community and also (specifically for someone like me) for networking with other freelance musicians. For more information on Classical Revolution Detroit I will post a link to their facebook page right above the pictures below:

Part of the Flute mob

Mozart quintet happenin

Mozart Quintet (the intimate bar space made this piece really come to life)

My mind is starting to churn out some very interesting ideas that the upcoming week will most likely see me starting work on so sometime in the near future I may post more than my once a week to keep you all updated on things as they start to happen. Peace!!

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